RCMP referrals to victim services

Read our letter to Public Safety Canada regarding the proposed framework for RCMP to make referrals to victim services where there is no consent.

National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

Twenty-eight years ago today, terrorists set off a bomb on Air India Flight 182 that killed all 329 passengers and crew members aboard, 280 of them Canadians.  We remember those who lost their lives in this attack, and also to pay tribute to the memory of victims of other acts of terrorism, including the Sept. 11, 2011 attacks in the U.S., and most recently the Boston Marathon bombings and the terror attack in Woolwich, London. The CRCVC stands in solidarity with all Canadians affected by terrorist acts and those who risk their lives to stand up against terrorism around the world.

Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act

Read our presentation to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Bill C-54, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act (mental disorder).

Summer Institute on Men, Trauma & Recovery

Register for the Men’s Project Summer Institute on Men, Trauma & Recovery, 5 days of workshops for service providers working with male survivors from June 10 – 14, 2013 in Ottawa, Ontario.  See the attached brochure or contact:

The Men’s Project
180 Argyle Ave., Suite 321
Ottawa,ON K2P 1B7
Tel: 613.230.6179

Read our letter in support of the “The Respecting Families of Murdered and Brutalized Persons Act“.

Preparing Victims for the Release of a Federal OffenderPréparer les victimes d’actes criminels à la mise en liberté d’un délinquant sous responsabilité fédérale

Check out this newly published resource from the National Office for Victims at Public Safety Canada entitled “Preparing Victims for the Release of a Federal Offender”Consultez cette ressource qui vient d’être publié par le Bureau national pour les victimes d’actes criminels, Sécurité publique Canada intitulé « Préparer les victimes d’actes criminels à la mise en liberté d’un délinquant sous responsabilité fédérale »

Bill C-478

Read our letter in support of Private Member’s Bill C-478.

Victims’ rights are human rights: the importance of recognizing victims as persons

Read this 2012 publication by Dr Jo-Anne Wemmers, professor at School of Criminology, University of Montreal.

Memorial University Sociology Speaker Series 2013

The CRCVC’s Executive Director will be at Memorial University on March 20th and the topic of discussion is “Are we there yet? Respecting the human rights of crime victims in Canada”.  See poster for more details.

Federal Bill of Rights for victims

Read our letter to the Minister of Justice addressing proposed legislation for a federal Victims’ Bill of Rights and the issue of restitution.