The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime is committed to providing support and services to victims of crime across Canada. Our focus includes advocating for victims of crime to ensure victim’s voices are heard, creating a space for victims to be empowered to create change for themselves,

2023 Priorities
The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime will continue to intervene on behalf of crime victims to attempt to solve problems they may encounter in their dealings with the criminal justice system.

The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime engages in projects specifically designed to address the many challenges faced by Canadian crime victims. These projects provide victims with the tools and resources they need at all points in their journey as well as help advance victims rights in Canada.

Creating Change
The CRCVC believes strongly in playing an active role alongside crime victims and all concerned Canadians to ensure voices are heard. This active participation may include signing and sharing petitions, peer contribution, promoting dialogue and more.

Truth and Reconciliation
The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime is committed to better understanding how to support Indigenous people as they navigate Canada’s legal system and we support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and its 94 Calls to Action. This includes Justice as outlined in actions 25-42.

Missing Persons
The Canadian Centre for Information on Missing Adults (CCIMA) is a bilingual online resource that acts as an information and referral centre for Canadian families and friends of missing individuals.
It is a collaborative project between the Ontario’s Missing Adults and the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime. The CCIMA was launched in November of 2012.

Terror Victim Response
The CRCVC is dedicated to helping communities prepare and mitigate terrorist attacks. This desire and dedication was implemented by creating TerrorVictimResponse.ca.
The website is the only national web-based resource for emergency management, law enforcement, and government officials who may be required to deliver tangible support to persons harmed.