Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2024
Feedback Survey link: https://forms.gle/FByNcPHVZr78Pe4U6
French Survey: https://forms.gle/QwnoMjFX4pr9kfch9
French Language Transcprits/ Transcriptions en français
Managing Trauma Triggers/Gestion des déclencheurs de traumatisme
Self-Care and Wellness/Prendre soin de soi et bien-être
Providing Support and Information to Sexual Misconduct Survivors
CRCVC will provide support and information to the survivors who have experienced and have been impacted by sexual misconduct while in the Canadian Armed Forces. The aim of CRCVC is to create and distribute an informational resource booklet to help assist survivors of sexual misconduct.
The Sexual Misconduct Response and Support Centre Canadian Armed Forces Information Booklet will be a comprehensive resource guide for survivors of sexual misconduct and their families.
CRCVC’s booklet will delineate the Canadian Armed Forces Victim Bill of Rights, provide available resources for survivors of sexual misconduct, and provide various options to those seeking support. It will help survivors and their families understand their rights, how to seek help, what recourses they have, and how to obtain support.
This program grant is funded by the Department of National Defence through the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre.
New Horizons for Seniors Program: Helping Ottawa’s Elderly Victims of Homicide, Fraud, and Elder Abuse
Ottawa’s senior population is expected to double by the year 2031. As the population ages, it is imperative that support increases in order to ensure the health and safety of people over the age of 65. With the rise in the population comes a potential rise in fraud, scams, and abuse against the elderly population.
Senior citizens are targets for online, phone and in-personal financial scams, including romance scams. Unfortunately, once they are dumped, they may not want to file a police report or, even if they do, they do not always have the information they need as a victim.
The New Horizons Seniors Cyber Training will help seniors and their families who have fallen victim to crime and now need to understand their rights, recourse and provide the resources available to them once they have entered the labyrinth of the legal system. This project will provide clear, concise and supportive assistance as seniors navigate their way back to a feeling of safety and security in their homes and neighbourhoods. This project will provide seniors with the information and tools they need to help them get their lives back on track.
This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.
Improving Crime Victim Assistance Programs to Support Victims Experiencing Crime Abroad
The CRCVC will examine the victim assistance programs in the United States and Canada. Specifically, the aid that is given to their citizens, their citizens victimized abroad, as well as foreigners victimized within their own countries.
It will look at the laws and regulations that governments have in place and that promise to provide assistance and support to these victims. It will also look into possible ways to finance such programs.
The victim assistance programs will be researched specifically for the following facets:
- Immediate and practical medical support as well as interpretation services as well as emotional support;
- Legal assistance and provision of system navigators;
- Reimbursement of crime-related expenses
- Bilateral cooperation of agencies in the two countries (where the person was victimized and their home country) to provide fulsome and continuous support, especially after repatriation or if travel is necessary between the two).
This project is possible thanks to the generosity of the Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice.
Our finalized project can be found here: Improving Crime Victim Assistance Programs to Support Victims Experiencing Crime Abroad_CRCVC_ Final, in English.
Safer + Stronger Grants | Subventions: Plus en sécurité et plus fortes through the Canadian Women’s Foundation: Gender-based Violence Project
The purpose of this project is to inform Canadians who are experiencing gender-based violence how the CRCVC can help them.
CRCVC will utilize social media and direct connections with stakeholders across Canada to inform and educate about resources offered for specific groups experiencing GBV during the pandemic and beyond.
Special attention will be paid to the following groups; Women, girls, Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary peoples as well as Indigenous and BIPOC individuals.
Gender-based violence is a prevalent issue within Canadian society. According to the Department of Justice, Canadians collectively spend around $7.4 billion to deal with the aftermath of spousal violence yearly. Half of all women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16. While both men and women experience violence, Canadian women experience violence 20% higher than Canadian men. Gender-based violence continues to disproportionately affect vulnerable populations in Canada, including Indigenous women and women living with disabilities.
Since 1993, the CRCVC has provided confidential, free support to women experiencing intimate partner abuse and gender-based violence across Canada. The Gender-Based violence project will create awareness to inform and engage key stakeholders, communities, and victims about the prevalence and severity of gender-based violence within Canada. CRCVC will also continue to provide support for women who are navigating the criminal justice system which seems to prioritize the offender rather than the victim. Through the Gender-Based Violence project, CRCVC will address the barriers women face in Canada, while simultaneously encouraging and advocating towards ending violence against women and focusing on women empowerment.
This project is funded by the Government of Canada in collaboration with the Canadian Women’s Foundation.
Past Projects
Investigating the Long-Term Impact of Bereavement Due to Terrorism: Factors That Contribute to Trauma, Grief, Growth and Resilience
The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime was delighted to have involvement in the research project entitled, “Investigating the long-term impact of bereavement due to terrorism: factors that contribute to trauma, grief, growth and resilience.” The project was in partnership with Voices of September 11th and the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress at the Uniformed Services University.
Funded by Public Safety Canada’s Kanishka Project Contribution Program, the research project involves family members of the 2,753 individuals lost at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA on September 11, 2001 as well as the family members of the 329 individuals lost in the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182 that crashed off the coast of Ireland. The study will identify the long-term needs of individuals impacted by terrorism. The Kanishka Project is named after the Air India Flight 182 plane that was bombed on June 23, 1985, killing 329 innocent people, most of them Canadians, in the worst act of terrorism in Canadian history.
Understanding the long-term needs of victims’ families is crucial to helping bereaved individuals heal. This research project was a unique opportunity for those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001 or in the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182 to provide important insight into factors that contribute to trauma, grief, personal growth and resilience. The knowledge gained from their responses will help expand the scientific advancement of research in the field, guide communities in providing services to victims’ families, and help individuals heal after traumatic events.
The Study is now closed.
If you are interested in hearing about the findings of the study at its conclusion, please contact Mary Fetchet, Project Director, at mafetchet@voicesofsept11.org or by phone at (203) 966-3911.