June Fundraiser with Magnolia SilverSoutenir le CCRVC en juin
CRCVC is honoured to announce that Magnolia Canada is joining the effort to assist women who are victims of violent crimes. In all of their Canadian locations during the month of June, Magnolia Silver will be offering Infinity bracelets. The beautiful silver bracelet will be sold for $15 and all the proceeds will be donated to the CRCVC.
As a chain that employs and caters to women, Magnolia Silver wants to emphasize the importance of prevention of violence against women and support for victims of violence, and they wish to raise awareness of this issue by reaching out to their customers through this symbolic piece of jewelry. Please visit a boutique kiosk near you during the month of June to show your support!
Joignez-vous à Magnolia pour soutenir le combat contre la violence
En achetant le bracelet Infinité – seulement 15 $
Tous les produits des ventes du bracelet Infinité seront versés au Centre canadien de ressources pour les victimes de crimes.