Amidst parliamentary chaos in May 2000, the CRCVC, along with the help of three women who have suffered incredible loss, successfully pushed Bill C-13 through the House of Commons and the Senate. The amendments to the legislation will allow courts to make DNA data bank orders for a much wider range of offences – potentially, for any offence punishable by a sentence of five years or more. The Bill also expands the retroactive provisions of the legislation so that all persons convicted before June 30, 2000, of murder, manslaughter or a sexual offence, and who are still under sentence, will be included in the National DNA Data Bank. Some of the other amendments to the Criminal Code under Bill C-13 include:
- making it mandatory for a court to make a DNA data bank order for those persons convicted of the very worst and most violent offences, for example, murder, manslaughter and aggravated assault;
- authorizing courts to make DNA orders for persons who have been found to have committed a designated offence, but who have also been found “not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder”;
- adding Internet luring of a child, child pornography and criminal organization offences to the list of “primary designated offences”; and,
- providing a mechanism that will result in the review of DNA data bank orders that may have been made without legal authority.