Next-of-Kin Welcoming Reception
Saturday, September 24th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., room 035B in the West Block Building, Parliament Hill.
In order to welcome both new and returning families to Ottawa, a welcoming reception will be held in West Block. Hors d’oeuvres will be served and families will have the opportunity to interact with one another for support and build a family wreath. The Canterbury Chamber Chorus will provide a musical interlude.
Candlelight Vigil
Saturday, September 24th, 8:45 – 9:15 p.m. Glass panels, Summer Pavilion.
Immediately following the Welcoming Reception, families are invited to attend a Candlelight Vigil at the glass panels. Glass panels that have been returned to their original location, at the Summer Pavilion in the West corner, behind Centre Block. The Vigil is a beautiful outdoor ceremony to commemorate those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Families will have a chance to view their loved one’s name by candlelight forever etched on the glass panels in remembrance.
Please note, registration is required. For registration or any questions or concerns, please contact Aline Vlasceanu, Chair, Next-of-Kin subcommittee at 1-877-232-2610 or via email at CRCVC@CRCVC.CA