As part of Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2023, CRCVC is planning a virtual expert panel discussion: “30 Years of Victim Rights in Canada with CRCVC: A Review”.
In line with this year’s theme, The Power of Collaboration, the panel will discuss victim rights issues, achievements in the field of victimology, the Canadian Victim Bill of Rights and its recent review, as well as gaps and limitations in our criminal justice system along with ways in which we can narrow such gaps.
Panellists include:
- Heidi Illingworth, Executive Director, Ottawa Victim Services
- Steve Sullivan, CEO, MADD Canada
- Irvin Waller, PhD, Professor Emeritus University of Ottawa
- Arlène Gaudreault, Présidente de l’Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes
- Benjamin Roebuck, PhD, Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime
- Alain-Guy Sipowo, Professeur adjoint, École de criminologie à l’Université de Montréal
This event will be hosted for free online, via Zoom, in both English and French.
When: May 16th, 2023 at 12:00 pm EST
Where: Virtually (via Zoom)
To view the biographies of our panelists, please click here.
This event is funded by the Department of Justice for Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2023.